We’ve created a number of ways for you to get to know us and learn about our community.
Look at our links: they will answer questions many people ask about cohousing and how it works.
Chat with us: fill in the Contact Form to connect with one of our members to learn more about Little Mountain Cohousing. Someone will get back to you as quickly as possible.
Meet us: Come to one of our potlucks or social events and meet with the people who might be your neighbors. If you want, we can pair you with a “buddy” to bring you up to speed on the project.
Become an Associate Member: After you’ve attended an information meeting, you can become an associate member. Associate membership is required to participate in any meetings other than Information meetings. The $125 fee lets you participate in our business and design meetings for three months, look at our forms and documents and, of course, continue to have fun with us at social gatherings.
Become an Equity Member: Once you know Little Mountain Cohousing is for you, you can become an Equity Member, allowing you to choose your home and work with the other members to make vital decisions about our community.